December: Crews begin construction of the deck for the eastbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road bridge over Southern Avenue.
December: Crews closed the southbound State Route 143 on-ramp at University Drive in October and are planning to reopen the ramp in January.
December: Workers place concrete for a drainage structure near the southbound SR 143 on-ramp at University Drive.
December: Work continues in the Interstate 10 median between Broadway Road and 40th Street as drilling crews construct the foundations for the ramps that will connect SR 143 and I-10.
December: A worker prepares an augur bit for drilling another shaft for the I-10/SR 143 connector ramps.
December: The drill rig will dig down 75 feet; then, a crane will lower a rebar column into the hole, which will then be filled with concrete.
December: Crews are busy in the median work zone drilling shafts for support piers for the ramps that will eventually connect Interstate 10 and State Route 143.
December: A worker lowers a measuring tape into the shaft prior to the start of the concrete pour.
December: Quality inspectors test the concrete to make sure it is mixed properly before being poured into the shaft.
December: A little north of the drilling operation another crew fills a shaft with about 230 cubic yards of concrete.
December: On top of the Southern Avenue abutment, workers carefully guide the girder into position.
December: Once the girder is set, workers attach themselves to the safety cable and walk out on the girder to disconnect the crane’s rigging.
December: A 550-ton crane lifts the girder off the delivery truck. A total of seven girders were set over the weekend, with each one 125 feet long and weighing 54 tons.
December: As the sun comes up, workers use lifts to attach a safety cable to the top of the girder.
December: A weekend closure of Southern Avenue at Interstate 10 allowed crews to set concrete girders for the eastbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road bridge over Southern Avenue.
December: In the newly created median work area on I-10, a crew ties a rebar cage that will eventually be lowered into a drilled hole and filled with concrete, creating a caisson or foundation for a new bridge support pier.
December: Workers tie rebar both inside and outside the caisson.
December: Workers tie the rebar together using thousands of pieces of wire.
December: While part of the crew ties rebar, others prepare another load of reinforcing steel to deliver to the work area.
December: A recent traffic shift has created a large work zone in the median of Interstate 10 between Broadway Road and State Route 143. This will allow workers to construct the new bridges and ramps connecting those two highways.
December: A small hoe ram removes the concrete foundation for a sign structure that is being replaced near Alameda Drive.
December: These rebar structures will be used to construct the diaphragms that tie the concrete bridge girders together.
December: A crew ties rebar preparing for the next phase of widening the Interstate 10 bridges over the Salt River.
December: A crane lifts materials to workers building the ramp of the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive.
December: Workers continue construction of the ramp for the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive.
November: A weekend closure of westbound Interstate 10 allowed crews to shift mainline traffic between Broadway Road and 40th Street.
November: A track hoe loads concrete rubble into a truck to be hauled away along westbound I-10 between Broadway Road and 48th Street.
November: A crew uses a lift to access the underside of the ramp that will eventually create the high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) direct connections between I-10 and State Route 143.
November: Workers patch concrete on the recently poured barrier wall for the wider westbound I-10 ramp to eastbound US 60.
November: Crews remove the median barrier along westbound I-10 between Broadway Road and 48th Street.
November: A crew builds concrete forms for the walkway leading to the multiuse bridge near the Western Canal.
November: Crews are excavating a detention basin near the Western Canal multiuse bridge.
November: An excavator removes an abandoned utility line next to Interstate 10 near Alameda Drive.
November: Crews pave curb and gutter at the entrance of the Tempe Double Butte Cemetery from Broadway Road as they widen Broadway Road to match the width of the new Broadway Road bridge over I-10.
November: Workers begin the construction of the pier caps for the eastbound Collector-Distributor road bridge over the eastbound I-10 off-ramp at Baseline Road.
November: Crews work on the abutment for the eastbound Collector-Distributor road bridge over Southern Ave.
November: A recent traffic shift on eastbound Interstate 10 resulted in three lanes crossing under a straddle bent structure just before the Broadway Road bridge.
November: A crew works on a utility line near the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive.
November: Crews construct concrete forms for the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive.
November: Next to westbound I-10 near 48th Street, a road grader levels the surface in preparation for an upcoming paving operation.
November: The bridge that will directly connect the HOV lanes between I-10 and State Route 143 continues to take shape.
November: Pouring concrete into a wall form next to the ramp from westbound I-10 to eastbound US 60.
November: A cast in place concrete wall pour at the Western Canal for the widening of the westbound I-10 ramp to eastbound US 60.
November: A worker driving a concrete saw cuts grooves into the future I-10 westbound mainline near State Route 143. The grooves help prevent any future cracks from spreading, making repairs easier.
November: Crews are constructing the eastbound CD road bridge that will cross over the eastbound I-10 off-ramp at Baseline Road.
October: A paving crew places asphalt as the pavement base layer next to the westbound I-10 on-ramp at 32nd Street.
October: A row of trucks filled with asphalt lines up as part of the widening of the westbound lanes of I-10 near 32nd Street.
October; Vibratory rollers compact the asphalt in preparation for placing the next layer of concrete pavement near the eastbound I-10 on-ramp at 40th Street.
October: A paving crew places asphalt as the pavement base layer near the eastbound I-10 on-ramp at 40th Street.
October: Both halves of the multiuse bridge truss near the Western Canal are now in place over Interstate 10 between Baseline Road and US 60. Crews will next begin constructing the bridge deck and the ramps leading up to the crossing.
October: A paving crew sprays a concrete curing compound on a recently paved highway shoulder near the eastbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street.
October: With the first section of the bridge in place, crews will begin to place the bridge deck and prepare for placement of the second half of the crossing.
October: A crane picked up the truss section of the multiuse bridge near the Western Canal and set it over Interstate 10 on Saturday, Oct. 14, during a weekend closure of the highway.
October: Workers patch concrete on one of the support structures for the multiuse bridge near the Western Canal.
October: An excavator digs a trench for a drainage line near the eastbound I-10 on-ramp at 32nd Street.
October: A construction crew builds a pier cap to widen the eastbound I-10 bridge over the Salt River. Now that all the water that flowed through the Salt River bottom earlier this year has dried up, crews are catching up on constructing the new, wider crossing.
October: The truss section of the multiuse bridge near the Western Canal lies alongside the westbound lanes of Interstate 10. Crews are preparing to lift it with a crane and set it during a weekend closure of the highway.
October: A crew works under the US 60 interchange with I-10 excavating for future drainage improvements.
October: A worker driving a concrete saw cuts grooves into what will be new westbound lanes for I-10. The grooves help prevent any cracks that may form from spreading.
October: A clean-up crew shovels concrete rubble left from constructing a sound wall along what will be a ramp connecting westbound US 60 to westbound I-10.
October: Crews continue building the bridge substructure supports for the ramp connecting State Route 143 with the eastbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road.
October: While one crew works on the I-10 side of the form another crew squeezes into the narrow space behind it to tie rebar and prepare it for a concrete pour.
October: Crews place concrete forms on either side of a rebar wall that will reinforce the retaining wall.
October: Workers construct concrete forms for a retaining wall near the westbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street.
October: Crews reopened the eastbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street in September, so crews have now reconfigured all four I-10 ramps at 40th Street.
October: A concrete pump fills a pier cap form to widen the eastbound I-10 bridge over the Salt River.
October: The westbound I-10 on-ramp at Broadway Road takes shape.
October: A worker hammers a wooden brace that will help hold the panel in place until the wall can be completed.
October: A track hoe holds a concrete panel in place for construction of a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall near the Broadway Road bridge.
October: Crews reopened the eastbound I-10 on-ramp at 32nd Street in September.
September: A crane assists a crew in stripping concrete forms from the abutment for the eastbound Collector-Distributor road crossing over Southern Avenue.
September: While the crane holds the form in place, crews disconnect the supports holding it up.
September: The crane pulls the form away revealing the new decorative face of the abutment wall.
September: Once the rebar mats are formed, workers will place them along the edge of the pavement where they’ll be encased in concrete to form the roadway shoulder and a barrier wall.
September: Working on what will be the new eastbound lanes of Interstate 10 between 32nd Street and 40th Street, crews tie reinforcing steel that will be part of a roadway shoulder and barrier wall.
September: A concrete pump fills a column that will be part of the widened Interstate 10 bridge over the Salt River.
September: Crews tie rebar on a pier cap that will be part of the support for new High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) ramps connecting State Route 143 and I-10.
September: Once workers have finished tying the rebar, they will set concrete forms around it so that concrete can be poured to form the cap.
September: A concrete cutter cuts seams in new pavement for what will be part of the westbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road between Broadway Road and 40th Street.
September: Seams are cut in the new pavement so that if a crack develops in the future it can’t spread beyond the seam and can be more easily repaired.
September: Workers smooth the concrete slab that will transition traffic from the travel lanes onto the elevated HOV ramp structure.
September: A paving crew places concrete for the new high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) ramp bridge connecting State Route 143 and Interstate 10.
September: A crew constructs a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall next to westbound I-10 near the Broadway Road bridge.
September: A small excavator holds up the concrete wall panel while the workers set it in place.
September: A worker prepares concrete forms for what will be the foundation of the next section of MSE wall near Broadway Road.
September: A crew installs traffic loops on westbound I-10 near Baseline Road. These are part of the freeway management system that helps determine vehicle counts and trip times that are displayed on Variable Message Signs around the Valley.
September: With westbound I-10 mainline traffic detoured and eastbound I-10 traffic shifted away from the bridge, workers remove concrete forms from the Guadalupe Road center pier.
September: A night paving crew places concrete for what will become the eastbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street.
September: A paving supervisor watches as a conveyor places concrete in front of a paving machine on the eastbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street.
September: A full closure of Interstate 10 over the weekend of August 25-27 allowed crews to accomplish a lot, working both day and night. Here a worker patches concrete on the Guadalupe Road bridge.
August: An excavator and a loader move dirt north of the westbound I-10 on-ramp at Broadway Road.
August: A grader working alongside the westbound lanes of Interstate 10 west of the Broadway Road bridge.
August: Workers closed the eastbound I-10 on-ramp at 32nd Street in July to reconfigure the ramp.
August: A concrete cutter cuts seams in the new pavement, so that if a crack develops in the future, it is less likely to spread beyond the seam, which makes it easier to repair.
August: While the concrete cutter works on the ramp, an excavator smooths and compacts the slope next to the eastbound I-10 on-ramp at 32nd St.
August: Workers begin construction of a trench box with the assistance of a track hoe.
August: Another crew forms the next piece of rebar cage that will eventually be placed inside the concrete forms to create the pier cap.
August: One crew ties the rebar that will eventually be encased in concrete.
August: Next to the westbound I-10 on-ramp at Broadway Road, crews are tying rebar for the half of a straddle bent pier cap, which transfers the load from the superstructure to the piers, for the State Route 143 high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) ramps.
August: Crews grade and use a roller near the Broadway Road bridge over Interstate 10.
August: The paving crew follows along behind the paver to finish the surface.
August: Other workers use floats to put the final surface on the new pavement.
August: Crews work the new slab, smoothing and shaping the concrete surface.
August: The paving machine processes the concrete, turning it into what will become a drivable surface.
August: A truck dumps a load of concrete into a conveyer during a paving operation beside the westbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street.
July: While a small excavator holds up the wall’s concrete panel, two workers fit it in place.
July: A crew begins constructing an MSE wall (Mechanically Stabilized Earth) that will retain fill material for the approach to the new high-occupancy vehicle ramp between I-10 and State Route 143.
July: Near the Broadway Road bridge over I-10, a crew fills in a trench after installing drainage pipe.
July: An excavator scoops up the concrete rubble and loads it into a dump truck.
July: On July 29, workers began work to replace the eastbound Interstate 10 on-ramp at 32nd Street.
July: Each girder weighs more than 100,000 pounds.
July: With the first girder safely anchored to the pier, workers place the second girder. July: Crews placed a total of six girders during the overnight operation.
July: A worker guides each concrete girder by hand into the support pier.
July: On July 17-18, crews placed girders for the new ramp that will connect traffic from southbound State Route 143 to the eastbound Interstate 10 Collector-Distributor (CD) road.
July: A truck delivers the first of six girders for the new ramp that will connect traffic from southbound SR 143 to the eastbound I-10 CD road. Each girder was more than 124 feet long.
July: A barricade crew stockpiles temporary concrete barrier that will be used to delineate the new westbound to northbound ramp once paving is completed.
July: A roller compacts the new asphalt leading up to the bridge for Broadway Road over I-10.
July: Crews pave a new ramp for traffic from westbound Interstate 10 to northbound State Route 143.
July: While a truck dumps its load of asphalt into the paving machine, another truck uses a high-pressure blast of water to remove the old pavement markings.
July: A line up of trucks filled with hot mix asphalt wait for their turn to add to the paving operation for the new ramp to northbound SR 143.
July: A roller compacts the fill while a bulldozer moves the material to the proper location to be compacted.
July: A dump truck drops off fill dirt while a road grader levels and compacts the material.
July: Workers perform excavation and grading as they prepare to build the new westbound I-10 ramp to northbound SR 143.
July: Looking north from Interstate 10, you can see where the new high-occupancy vehicle ramps will tie into State Route 143.
July: Workers set girders to widen the westbound I-10 ramp to eastbound US 60 July 11-12.
June: A worker coordinates the movement of dump trucks while excavators and loaders move the dirt and concrete rubble that will be hauled away.
June: The westbound Interstate 10 off-ramp at 40th Street was closed on June 3, and is being reconstructed to fit the wider highway. The work began by breaking up the old pavement.
June: Most of the old concrete has now been removed and crews are busy with excavation and hauling away what remains of the concrete rubble.
June: An excavator loads a dump truck with dirt and concrete rubble from the old pavement.
June: A hoe ram breaks up pieces of concrete from the old ramp so they are easier to load into dump trucks.
June: After placing the bridge truss, workers will begin placing the bridge deck.
June: The multiuse bridges, including this one at Alameda Drive, are included in this project because they align with the project goals of increasing connectivity for bicyclists and pedestrians, and reducing pressure on local roads.
June: The section of bridge truss for the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive over eastbound I-10 is approximately 120 feet long and weighs about 40 tons.
June: Crews began by using a crane to lift the truss from the ground.
June: On June 17, crews placed the bridge truss for the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive over eastbound Interstate 10.
June: A hoe ram operator breaks up the concrete pavement as part of the reconfiguration of the westbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street.
June: Westbound US 60 traffic moves onto westbound I-10 over the new ramp while an operator breaks up the pavement of the old ramp.
June: A worker guides a concrete wall panel into place for the MSE wall being built along westbound I-10 near Southern Avenue.
June: Crews construct a Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall alongside westbound I-10 near Southern Avenue.
June: On June 5, workers opened the new ramp connecting westbound US 60 to westbound Interstate 10, which includes a new bridge over the future westbound Collector-Distributor road.
June: Once the crew lowered the sign structure, they removed the signs and disassembled the structure.
June: During the full closure of westbound I-10 on June 3, a crew removed two overhead sign structures.
June: A crew constructs a Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall for the new westbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road near Southern Avenue.
June: A worker breaks up concrete pavement as part of the reconfiguration of the westbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street.
June: A hoe ram operator breaks up the concrete curb along northbound 40th Street as part of the reconfiguration of the westbound I-10 off-ramp at 40th Street.
June: After a crew breaks up the concrete pavement of the westbound I-10 off ramp at 40th Street, a water truck sprays down the concrete rubble for dust mitigation.
June: A worker uses a saw to cut grooves into the concrete on the new bridge connecting westbound US 60 to westbound I-10. The grooves improve the skid resistance of the driving surface, which helps to prevent hydroplaning.
June: A crew removes the lane lines before placing new pavement markings for the new ramp connecting westbound US 60 to westbound I-10.
June: On June 3, crews placed the bridge truss for the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive over westbound Interstate 10.
June: The section of bridge truss for the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive over westbound I-10 is approximately 120 feet long and weighs about 40 tons.
May: A paving crew puts the finishing touches to a curb and gutter of the westbound I-10 on-ramp at 40th Street.
May: An excavator removes dirt from the area along eastbound I-10 between 48th Street and Broadway Road, while in the background, another operator breaks up concrete.
May: A loader fills a dump truck with dirt excavated along eastbound Interstate 10 between 48th Street and Broadway Road.
May: A worker uses a saw to cut joints into the recently placed concrete pavement along southbound State Route 143 near University Drive.
May: A hoe ram operator breaks up concrete that used to be part of eastbound I-10 near Broadway Road.
May: On May 22, the bridge truss for the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive arrived.
May: A crew places pavement marking tape for the crosswalk across the westbound I-10 on-ramp at 40th Street.
May: Work continues on the piers for the new bridge that will connect southbound State Route 143 with the eastbound I-10 Collector-Distributor road.
May: On Sunday, May 14, 2023, final preparations for opening the westbound I-10 on-ramp at 40th Street included installing lights and adjusting signal timing.
May: Workers construct concrete forms for a barrier wall next to the westbound I-10 on-ramp at 40th Street.
May: An excavator uses a weight to break up concrete rubble along the ramp from eastbound I-10 to eastbound US 60.
May: A crew ties bridge deck rebar for a bridge that will connect State Route 143 to Interstate 10.
May: A crew stripes new rubberized asphalt pavement on westbound I-10 between Warner and Guadalupe roads.
May: A small loader, called a skid steer, delivers a load of rock to a crew building a wall for the eastbound CD road near Southern Avenue.
May: A crew adds rock to an abutment for the eastbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road bridge over Southern Avenue.
May: A paving crew places concrete for the new westbound I-10 off-ramp at 32nd Street.
May; Crews are finalizing the approach and roadway connection to the new bridge from westbound US 60 to westbound I-10.
May: Crews expect to open the new ramp from westbound US 60 to westbound I-10 this June.
May: Work continues on the Alameda Drive multiuse bridge over I-10.
May: Crews are installing a Mechanically Stabilized Earth wall near Southern Avenue for the eastbound CD road.
May: Following behind the asphalt trucks was the paving machine that converted the asphalt into about two inches of pavement.
May: Two rollers followed behind the paving machine to compact the asphalt further into a drivable surface.
May: Early Saturday morning, trucks began delivering 3,000 tons of asphalt to the work zone between Warner Road and Ray Road.
May: A total of 1.25 miles of new asphalt pavement was placed and restriped over the weekend and opened for traffic in time for Monday morning commuters.
May: A full closure of westbound Interstate 10 occurred over the last weekend in April to place new rubberized asphalt pavement between Loop 202 (Santan/South Mountain Freeway) and US 60.
April: Finally, an excavator breaks up the bridge concrete so trucks can haul it away.
April: Next, the crew removes the bridge support columns.
April: Then, workers remove the bridge deck.
April: First, an excavator removes the bridge wall.
April: A crew removes the old 48th Street bridges over Interstate 10.
April: Major excavation work is underway as crews bury a drainage line and haul away extra dirt next to what will be the new westbound Interstate 10 on-ramp at 40th Street.
April: A crew works on what will be the multiuse bridge over I-10 between US 60 and Baseline Road near the Western Canal.
April: An excavator breaks up concrete that had been cut from the edge of the ramp that connects eastbound I-10 to eastbound US 60.
April: Workers install a storm drain near the multiuse bridge at Alameda Drive in Tempe.
April: An excavator fills a dump truck with soil removed from the westbound I-10 on-ramp at 40th Street.
April: The boom of a concrete pump reaches across the deck of what will be a new bridge connecting State Route 143 and Interstate 10.
April: During the paving operation that took place on the morning of April 6, workers used 350 cubic yards of concrete to form the bridge deck and abutments.
April: The worker on the left uses a remote-control to direct the movement of the concrete pump arm while his coworkers direct the flow of concrete and vibrate out any air pockets.
April: Workers excavate the foundations for a new bridge that will connect SR 143 to the eastbound Collector-Distributor road, which will run parallel to eastbound I-10.
April: A crew constructs a rebar column that will support the construction of a new bridge that will connect SR 143 to the eastbound Collector-Distributor road.
April: During the weekend closure of part of westbound Interstate 10, crews removed the falsework and concrete forms from the new Broadway Road bridge over I-10.
April: Workers install overhead lighting and traffic signals while a grader completes final grading in preparation for the opening of the new Broadway Road bridge over I-10.
April: With the concrete barrier in place and the new pavement striping completed, the new Broadway Road bridge opened on Monday, April 3, 2023.
April: Crews set temporary concrete barrier along the sides of the eastbound I-10 connector ramp between 48th Street and Broadway Road.
April: Once the barrier is set, two other workers follow along behind to patch up any cracks or missing pieces of concrete.
March: Workers install a safety cable on top of a concrete girder. They are preparing for a crane to set it on top of the support piers seen in the background that will be part of the substructure of a ramp connecting SR 143 to I-10.
March: Workers install anchor bolts into a barrier wall on the new Broadway Road bridge over I-10. These anchors will hold fence posts for the safety screen that workers will be installed next.
March: Crews prepare for the opening of the new Broadway Road bridge over Interstate 10 by grinding grooves in the new concrete to help improve traction. As the grinder creates the grooves, it simultaneously vacuums the concrete dust into the nearby tanker truck.
March: A front-end loader places fill dirt in preparation for the final paving of the approach to the new Broadway Road bridge over I-10.
March: Crews construct the forms for a concrete barrier wall that will be poured at the west end of the Broadway Road bridge over I-10.
March: A concrete worker smooths the surface of a recent concrete pour for what will be the new Broadway Road bridge over I-10.
March: At the new Broadway Road bridge over I-10, an asphalt paving crew paves part of the new bridge approach.
March: One piece of equipment uses a jackhammer attachment to break up the pavement, while the other drops a 5-ton steel weight. The westbound I-10 on-ramp at 40th Street will remain closed for reconstruction until mid-May.
March: Crews closed the westbound Interstate 10 on-ramp at 40th Street on March 18, so they could begin removing the ramp concrete.
March: During a weekend closure of northbound 48th Street, a truck removes pavement striping on 48th Street in preparation for the opening of the new northbound bridge over Interstate 10.
March: Once the old pavement markings have been removed, crews will apply new striping and place temporary concrete barrier along the side of the pavement to delineate the new travel lanes.
March: Once workers place the barriers, they glue reflectors to the tops, so drivers can see the barriers at night.
March: A forklift operator lifts the temporary concrete barrier off a flatbed truck and places it along the edge of the new pavement while another worker helps guide it into position.
March: Using a forklift, a two-person crew rearranges temporary concrete barrier on the north side of the new northbound 48th Street bridge over I-10.
March: During a weekend closure of westbound Interstate 10, crews prepare to take down a sign structure near 32nd Street.
March: A worker in a man-lift bucket attaches the crane rigging to the sign structure.
March: Once the crane sets the steel structure on the pavement workers start removing the signs and lighting fixtures.
March: An excavator filled dump trucks with dirt as the first step in reconstructing the westbound exit ramp to 32nd Street. The ramp is scheduled to remain closed through late April.
March: With the westbound exit to 32nd Street closed excavation work started on the reconfiguration of the ramp.
February: A crane lifts a concrete girder off a truck for placement on the substructure of what will be part of a bridge connecting Interstate 10 and State Route 143. Each girder is more than 100 feet long and weighs about 88,000 pounds.
February: Once the crane sets a girder, other crew members use a lift to set lumber between the girders that helps stabilize them.
February: Workers construct the concrete forms for building a pier cap on top of the support pier for what will be a bridge connecting SR 143 and I-10.
February: Workers have begun constructing the pier caps and support piers, known as the substructure, for a bridge that will connect I-10 and SR 143.
February: A roller compacts the soil on what will be the approach to the new Broadway Road bridge over I-10.
February: Workers maneuver the concrete bucket into position over the concrete forms.
February: A bucket of concrete is raised to the workers who will pour it into the Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall that is part of a bridge that will eventually connect State Route 143 to I-10.
February: Workers apply the finishing touch to a recently poured concrete slab for part of the new Broadway Road bridge over I-10.
February: A loader delivers fill material to crews constructing the south retaining wall of the northbound 48th Street bridge over Interstate 10.
February: A piece of equipment called a scraper works with the grader in preparing the soil for CD road construction near the I-10/US 60 interchange.
February: A piece of equipment called a scraper works with the grader in preparing the soil for CD road construction near the I-10/US 60 interchange.
February: A piece of equipment called a scraper works with the grader in preparing the soil for CD road construction near the I-10/US 60 interchange.
February: Near the I-10/US 60 interchange, a grader moves the soil in preparation for constructing the westbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road.
February: A concrete pump fills the drilled shaft of what will become the foundation of a supporting pier for a widened I-10 bridge over the Salt River.
February: After changing the drill bit the operator places spoils into the bucket of a loader.
February: After changing the drill bit the operator places spoils into the bucket of a loader.
February: At State Route 143, a worker breaks up concrete by dropping a steel weight on the pavement. Eventually new fly-over ramps will be constructed to connect SR 143 to I-10.
February: In the Salt River bottom, a drill rig uses a large augur bit to drill a shaft 110 feet deep. A column of rebar will then be lowered into the shaft which is then filled with concrete to construct a support pier for widening the westbound I-10 bridge.
February: The drill rig operator spins the augur to clear the spoils brought up from drilling the shaft.
January: Workers are building a new sound wall along the eastbound US 60 on-ramp at Priest Drive.
January: A crew removed the concrete forms below the Guadalupe Road bridge deck.
January: Workers place concrete for the Guadalupe Road bridge barrier.
January: The goal of improving the Sun Circle Trail crossing at Guadalupe Road is to reduce pressure on local roads and increase connectivity for bicyclists, pedestrians and equestrians.
January: A worker removes the barrier along the ramp that connects westbound I-10 to eastbound US 60, so workers can widen this ramp.
January: Workers prepare the roadway base before connecting the new southbound 48th Street bridge over I-10 to the existing roadway.
January: A crew removes a section of State Route 143 before connecting the existing roadway to the new southbound 48th Street bridge over Interstate 10.
January: A crew installs storm drain pipe under the westbound I-10 off-ramp at 32nd Street.
January: Workers pave the roadway connecting the new southbound 48th Street bridge over I-10 to the existing roadway.
January: A worker uses a roller to compact asphalt pavement along southbound 48th Street.
January: A crew uses a crane to install a drilled-shaft foundation rebar cage for the bridge that will widen eastbound Interstate 10 over the Salt River.
January: Workers began constructing a new bridge over Southern Avenue for the eastbound CD road.
January: A crew compacts dirt around a newly formed manhole near the ramp connecting westbound US 60 to westbound Interstate 10.
January: Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining walls next to the new ramp that will connect westbound US 60 to westbound I-10.
January: Once complete, workers will build the westbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road under this bridge.
January: Crews are constructing a multiuse bridge over I-10 at the Western Canal.
January: The Western Canal multiuse bridge access ramps feature maze patterns and lizards.
January: Workers began painting the Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) retaining wall that is part of the bridge that will eventually connect State Route 143 to Interstate 10.
January: Workers began constructing a new bridge over Southern Avenue for the eastbound Collector-Distributor (CD) road.
January: Crews began constructing a new bridge over the Baseline Road off-ramp for the eastbound CD road.