Business Outreach
Working with Businesses
The I-10 Broadway Curve corridor is a critical route for many businesses, whether they are located along it or near it or rely on it to transport people, products and services. The Project Communication Team has been working to engage and inform business owners and operators since 2019 and will continue to do so throughout the life of the project.
Project Information Flyer for Businesses and Employees
Printable posters, flyers and electronic media files to help employees and customers stay #AheadOfTheCurve
Check out the What to Expect During Construction Flyer to learn more about business assistance resources.
Click here for an interactive flyer (for best experience, open in Adobe Acrobat)
Preconstruction Outreach Campaign – Spring 2020 to Summer 2021
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020, ADOT was forced to cancel meetings and presentations for members of the business community and find new ways to engage them prior to the start of construction. On July 1, 2020, ADOT launched a 12-month outreach campaign to do just that. The goal? Make personal contact by telephone or email with key individuals from at least 10 percent of the 4,200+ businesses in or near the project area. By June 2021, ADOT’s outreach team had exceeded its goal, with personal contact to more than 650 business representatives in or near the project area.

Virtual Public Involvement – Fall 2020 to Present
Virtual public involvement continues to be a proven strategy for sharing project information with local governments and project partners such as the cities of Phoenix, Tempe, Chandler and Mesa; the town of Guadalupe; Valley Metro; the Maricopa Association of Governments; and Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

Freight and Logistics Forum – March 2020
ADOT partnered with the Arizona Trucking Association to host a Freight and Logistics Forum on March 4, 2020. ADOT shared information about the environmental study and invited participants to provide input on the proposed improvements.
Those who were unable to attend are invited to review the meeting materials. Freight and Logistics Forum Presentation

Business Forum – August 2019
ADOT hosted a Business Forum on August 28, 2019 to engage in early dialogue with large businesses and major employers in the environmental study area. ADOT listened to the concerns and interests voiced by business owners and operators regarding the proposed improvements to I-10.
Information shared:

Presentations to Businesses and Organizations
The I-10 Broadway Curve Project Team provides regular project updates and presentations to businesses and organizations. If you are interested in having the team provide an update to your group, please complete the contact form. Presentations can be done virtually or in person and in compliance with CDC guidelines.